domingo, 18 de outubro de 2009

About me

I am Vânia Mello, lyric singer for choice of my heart; art educator for social responsibility and an immense desire to divide what I know and to learn with that they pass for me.They are as many works carried through in the area of the Art, involving integrated activities: scenic arts, sing, Visual Arts, Dance, and Music, that I only obtain to see the Art in the singular. The plurality of the term already left me has some time, and all are communicated very and well.As everything for me is Art, I represented several some papers in the real life, always with responsibility, perhaps my bigger virtue, without omitting the reality of the some defects that I possess.I studied Law, I became a good lawyer and I do not repent myself, to the times the life charges me such knowledge; I also became teacher of History, what she still more approached me to the Art, making me to run behind a specialization; I studied languages that make me to be more close to the people and them hearts, I studied piano, I search daily, I give lessons and to each day I discover the difference between information and knowledge.I know that some scholars in the world exist who had not studied, but I keep the desire to learn, to hear, to communicate me, and my biggest purpose: Touching hearts with my voice!That this blog, that does not have pretension of being line of direction, can also touch some hearts, showing works made with responsibility, discipline and much love.

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